Broad-spectrum and full-spectrum are terms used to indicate a product has a variety of cannabinoids. Some define broad-spectrum as products having a variety of cannabinoids AND NO THC. While some define full-spectrum as products having a variety of cannabinoids AND THC. The use of multiple cannabinoids (CBD, THC, THCA, CBG, etc.) in products enhance their benefits or effectiveness. This is called the entourage effect. But the terms “broad-spectrum or full spectrum” have yet to be defined or quantified medically or scientifically indicating which of the 100 cannabinoids need to be present and in what quantities for these enhanced benefits to occur.
As a result, many companies have turned broad-spectrum CBD and full-spectrum CBD into marketing terms simply to generate sales. Doctors know cannabinoids work well together (entourage effect) but more research is needed to determine specific combinations and ratios of cannabinoids needed to treat specific ailments. It’s our opinion it’s better to have products that contain enough CBD to help individuals because scientists and doctors know CBD works by itself. That’s why the pharmaceutical company GW Pharmaceuticals manufactures only CBD products (Epidiolex) for children with intractable epilepsies like Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.