Are you stressed and don’t know why? Nobody can quite put their finger on exactly why it is happening but anxiety-related disorders have seen a massive increase in the last few years. This phenomenon is a global one which has led to a burgeoning interest into the best anti-anxiety drugs and mindfulness meditation techniques.
Against this backdrop, it should come as no surprise that cannabidiol (CBD) is booming in the US, Canada, and globally. Since the 2018 Farm Bill legalized CBD in the US, an increasing number of people are also treating their anxiety with cannabidiol (CBD). Because CBD helps release serotonin and dopamine, it’s widely reported to be an effective remedy best used for reducing stress, anxiety and depression. CBD is now found in a growing number of ingestible and sublingual products.
While CBD is also commonly used by people to alleviate symptoms of inflammation, pain, and swelling associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and fibromyalgia, recent surveys conducted here in the United States have revealed as many as 60 percent of people taking CBD do so as a means of managing their anxiety. Regardless if it ingested for pain, inflammation, stress or anxiety, the CBD product utilized should supply sufficient quantities of CBD (2000-5000 mg) at a reasonable price. The price of pure CBD as a raw material has dropped significantly in the last three to four years. If a CBD company is overcharging for weak CBD products (low potency) it might be time to search for another manufacturer.
What Is CBD?
CBD is one of 110 + different cannabinoids that occur naturally in the cannabis plant. Alongside tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is one of the most studied of these cannabinoids. Unlike THC, CBD does not lead to the “high” feeling reported by cannabis users after ingesting via inhalation or sub-lingually. It is widely thought not to possess any intoxicating properties.
While THC is known to increase anxiety in some cases, there is some evidence CBD in higher doses may do exactly the opposite. The theory is that CBD is capable of supporting the body’s endocannabinoid system, a recently discovered network of receptors and neurotransmitters thought to be contribute to regulating our anxiety responses to external stimuli. For this reason, CBD is fast gaining a reputation for among sufferers of anxiety-related conditions.
Does CBD Work for Anxiety?
Studies have shown that CBD may be effective in the treatment of anxiety. For generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), studies done on rodents have shown that animals who had been injected with CBD displayed fewer signs of anxiety when exposed to a stressor than those who had been given a placebo. More studies are needed on humans to determine effective doses for specific conditions.
Research into the effects of CBD on other forms of anxiety such as social anxiety disorder (SAD) has yielded some promising results. The same goes for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with studies showing participants who were given CBD showing lower rates of reoccurrence to traumatic memories than control groups. This is because CBD has been shown to help the mind forget traumatic memories and minimize addictive behavior.
Does CBD Work for Insomnia?
Many patients have reported using CBD as a sleep aid with full spectrum being the most popular. They are convinced that it helps them to get a better night’s sleep. Studies seem to suggest that these people might be onto something. Due to the important role the endocannabinoid system plays in regulating circadian rhythms, CBD has been found to increase the ease at which a person is able to fall asleep, also helping them to stay asleep for longer periods of time. For this reason, the American Sleep Association recommends CBD as a treatment for anxiety.
Does CBD Work for Depression?
Psychologists today believe there is a fundamental link between depression and anxiety. Therefore, it follows logically that CBD should be an effective treatment for depression if we are to read into the studies which have linked it to anxiety reduction. More research needs to be carried out in this area but what we know so far is encouraging. In a landmark 2019 review, it was found that CBD is increasingly showing it may even be more effective than conventional antidepressants when it comes to building resilience against constant exposure to stressors in rats and mice.
CBD Isolate vs Full Spectrum?
There is no medical proof full spectrum CBD is better than CBD isolate (CBD only) especially when you consider the potencies of products. Does a potent 3,000 or 5,000 mg CBD isolate product work better than a 500 mg full spectrum CBD product with only trace amounts of a few other cannabinoids? Would it be better to have large amounts of CBD rather than overpaying for a weak CBD product simply because a manufacturer calls it full spectrum? Since most full spectrum products have extremely small amounts of other cannabinoids, and there’s actually no medical definition for “full spectrum,” it’s our opinion a potent CBD isolate product would be much more effective and affordable than a weak, overpriced full spectrum product against pain, inflammation, sleep, anxiety, and stress. You’re paying for CBD and you should received CBD.
The Final Word
CBD is fast emerging as an interesting new treatment for anxiety, depression, and insomnia. While research into exactly how effective such a treatment might be is still in its infancy, sufferers of these conditions are voting with their wallets. They see CBD as safe, natural and with very few, if any, known side-effects.