- High levels of prostaglandins are produced in response to injury or infection and cause inflammation which is associated with the symptoms of redness, swelling, pain and fever. This is part of the body’s healing process. CBD helps reduce pain by helping control the production of excess prostaglandins helping to lessen pain, inflammation and swelling.
- TRPV1 receptors are found mainly in the pain neurons of the peripheral nervous system. But they have also been found in many other tissues including the central nervous system. TRPV1 is involved in the transmission and modulation of pain (nociception), as well as the combination of a variety of painful stimuli. CBD helps with pain by inhibiting TRPV-1 nerve signaling helping to minimize the transmission of pain signals by the nerves.
- CBD helps reduce pain because it can dilate blood vessels increasing blood flow while also increasing endorphin production such as serotonin and dopamine. This can reduce the amount of prostaglandins produced and therefore the amounts of pain an individual experiences.
CBD helps with pain and a long list of other issues and ailments. And it works in the body through 25 or more different methods. The most important thing to understand and remember is whatever your reason is for using CBD, you need a potent product because of CBD’s low absorption rate. And you need to take or use it on a regular basis. And I’m sorry but potent products don’t include edibles like gummies. If you get relief from them that’s great. But what happens when or if you need more CBD? Or you can’t afford it? CBD edibles’ adsorption rate is about 10%. CBD sublingual tinctures’ adsorption rate is about 40%. Four times that of edibles. This is why we don’t make or recommend CBD gummies. Sublingual tinctures, at this stage of CBD product development, are still the best way to absorb sufficient doses of CBD at reasonable prices.